Under the sea mural wallcovering.
This is like wallpaper roll sized pieces.
This is glued on with wallpaper paste.
Upstairs Bathroom Rennovations.
Upstairs Bathroom
We need to replace the plumbing.
Putting in the new tile floor.
Welcome to the Ripon Bar - Decor; Woodwork, Windows, Cabinets, Salt and Pepper Granite.
Hydronic Heat System Installation, Pex pipes and radiators on the 2nd floor.
Front Porch
Welcome to the Ripon Project Entrance
New Walls and Windows
Our dining room area rug made by Artist Violet.
Dining Room
New Roof! Now we have a nice roof! Top to Bottom!
Upgrading the electrical and plumbing..
Mark is collecting and milling the new woodwork.
Welcome to the Living Room!
Living Room
Blue Bed Room curtains and area rug.
Blue Room
Well there is a bathroom.
Bath Room
Master Bed Room Plans.
Master BR
Victorian Treasures.
The Front Porch.
Good Morning. Nice and sunny, with the big windows to brighten up your day.
Colored Lighting accents make a warm setting.
Adding a new window with Stained Glass Panes Above.
Our very own Princess
We have a big job here!
And now we can have adventures of the Great Indoors
Merry Christmas Ripon